- Largest country in the Middle East
- Was founded in 1932 by Ibn Saud and hence named Saudi Arabia
- Current capital of Saudi Arabia is Ar-Riyadh
- Current King of Saudi Arabia is King Abdullah and first Crown Prince Sultan
- Largest oil producing country in the world with 40% supply with largest hydrocarbon reserves
- Population: 28,686,633 as of 19/01/2010
- Area: 2,149,690 Sq. Km with mostly uninhabited desert area
- State Language is Arabic
- Currency is called Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR). Monetary unit: 1 Riyal = 100 halalah
- Saudi Arabia is the fastest growing economy in the Middle East and was recently ranked 13th out of
183 countries for "Ease of Doing Business" according to the World Bank
- Main exports: Oil, gas, cereals
- Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah, Riyadh, Dammam, Dhahran, Khobar are some of bigger and more famous
cities with large expatriates population
Expatriates population is about eight million from countries all around the world (including non-Muslims):
Nationalities | Approximate Population Size |
Indian | 1.4 million |
Bangladeshi | 1 million |
Filipino | 950,000 |
Pakistani | 900,000 |
Pakistani | 900,000 |
Egyptian | 900,000 |
Yemeni | 800,000 |
Indonesian | 500,000 |
Sri Lankan | 350,000 |
Sudanese | 250,000 |
Syrian | 100,000 |
Turkish | 80,000 |
US, UK, Other Westerner | 100,000 |
Telecommunication Information:
- Internet domain: .sa
- International dialing code: +966
- Largest telecom company: Saudi Telecom Company → http://www.stc.com.sa/cws/portal/en/
- 2nd Largest telecom company: Mobily Telecom → http://www.mobily.com.sa/
- Newest telecom company and also fastest growing: Zain telecom → http://www.zain.com/
Major Airlines that serve domestic and international travel need:
- Air Arabia → http://www.airarabia.com/index.php
- Al-Khayala Airlines → http://www.kayala.com/ (this website is under construction) ,
- British Airways → http://www.britishairways.com/
- Emirates Airlines → http://www.emirates.com/
- Etihad Airways → http://www.etihadairways.com/
- Gulf Air → http://www.gulfair.com/English
- KLM Royal Dutch Airlines → http://www.klm.com/
- Nas Airlines → http://www.flynas.com/en
- Qatar Airways → http://www.qatarairways.com/
- Sama Airlines → http://www.flysama.com/Sama/English/
- Saudi Arabian Airlines → http://www.saudiairlines.com/
Banks that serve the banking needs:
- Al Rajhi Bank → http://www.alrajhibank.com.my/
- Arab National Bank (Alwatani) → http://www.anb.com.sa/
- Bank Al Bilad → http://www.bankalbilad.com.sa/en/
- Bank Al Jazira → http://www.baj.com.sa/default.asp?lng=eng
- Banque Saudi Fransi Bank (Alfaransi) → http://www.alfransi.com/
- National Commercial Bank (Alahli)→ http://www.alahli.com/en-US/Pages/NCBHomePage.aspx
- Riyadh Bank → http://www.riyadbank.com/index_en.html
- Samba Bank → http://www.samba.com/english/index_01_01_en.html
- Saudi British Bank (SABB) → http://www.sabb.com/home/home_en.shtml
- Saudi Hollandi Bank → http://www.shb.com.sa/vEnglish/default.asp
- Saudi Investment Bank → http://www.saib.com.sa/english/home.aspx
Government Offices:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs → http://www.mofa.gov.sa/
- Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs → http://www.mol.gov.sa/
- Ministry of Civil Services → http://www.mcs.gov.sa/
- Ministry of Education → http://www.moe.gov.sa/
- Ministry of Higher Education → http://web.mohe.gov.sa/
- Ministry of Information → http://www.saudinf.com/
- Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources → http://www.mopm.gov.sa/
Universities and Educational Centers:
- King Abdullah University → http://kaust.edu.sa/
- King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals → http://www.kfupm.edu.sa/
- King Faisal University → http://www.kfu.edu.sa/
- King Saud University → http://www.ksu.edu.sa/
- Arab Open University → http://www.arabou.org/
- Institute of Public Administration → http://www.ipa.edu.sa/
- King Abdulaziz University → http://www.kau.edu.sa/
- Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University → http://www.pmu.edu.sa/
- Umm Al-Qura University → http://www.uqu.edu.sa/
Major Newspapers and Publications:
- Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper → http://www.asharqalawsat.com/
- Alyaum Newspaper → http://www.alyaum.com/
- Al Hayat Newspaper → http://www.alhayat.com/
- Al-Jazirah Newspaper → http://www.al-jazirah.com/
- Alriayadh Newspaper → http://www.alriyadh.com/
- Alwatan Newspaper → http://alwatan.com.sa/
- Arab News Newspaper → http://www.arabnews.com/
Of course www.google.com
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